Top 10 institutions in Seoul

The Nature Index 2017 Science Cities tables show each city’s leading institutions for high-quality science, ordered by WFC, Count and CS for 2016. Also shown are WFC from 2012, the change in WFC between 2012 and 2016 and the Count for 2016. Collaboration tables rank the top intra-city institution pairs by their bilateral collaboration score in 2016.

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1 Seoul National University (SNU) 177.5 128.9
2 Yonsei University 77.7 73.9
3 Korea University (KU) 67.4 46.9
4 Hanyang University (HYU) 34.8 36.1
5 Ewha Womans University (Ewha) 40.6 28.9
6 Kyung Hee University (KHU) 29.6 24.0
7 Korea Institute for Advanced Study (KIAS) 21.6 23.6
8 Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) 19.7 20.8
9 Samsung Group 31.9 13.3
10 Sogang University 28.1 13.0